Crouch Shield Gig Race

9th June 2024 @ SWFYC

Sunday 9th June, the Crouch Shield Gig Rowing race will be seen from the banks of the River Crouch. The race starts at Brandy Hole, at 1.30pm, and then streaks past the yacht club before turning near Hayes Farm to finish in front of our slipway just after 2pm. We expect 6 boats to compete, each raced by 5 crew. SWFYC won it last year, but will face tough competition this year!

Summer memberships!

At this time of year, we invite members of the public to join the club with a summer renewal plan, running from June 1st 2024 til May 31st 2025

You can join with full access to our rowing gigs, kayaks, paddleboards, and sailing dinghies from as little as £138 in the first year, reducing to £93 for subsequent years!

We will even give you free training on all but the sailing dinghies (as that program is full).

Learning to Sail

Our Learn to Sail program is now oversubscribed and we are not keeping a waiting list.

If you are already able to sail, then we shall verify your ability and then you may use the sailing boats that the club owns. These include Toppers, Guls, Herons and even a Drascombe Dabber!

Members donate £5 towards the maintenance of a club sailing boat, each time they use one.